This is me testing the MacJournal software by Mariner. This entry is simply a random attempt, a blind sniff of the test tube, a drop of the cherry bomb into the toilet, a leap before a look — basically I just want to see what happens when I click save.
I am experimenting with it to see if it’s a more practical tool for writing blog posts — hopefully, this will automatically post to my blog and FB account). Also, I hope it works well for non-published journal entries, notes, random thoughts and abstract gibberish.
Right now, I don’t use anything, but I’ve thought it would be nice to consolidate, as much as possible, all of my notes/journal entries/doodles into one place. Right now, I have too many random notes and files dropped into folders and forgotten.
Maybe this is a great tool, or maybe this is a time waster… we’ll see what happens. If you have any experience with this software, or any similar writing software, please let me know. I cherish — yes, I said cherish — your input.